The Center of Amazing Excellent Millennials Vocational Education on Agriculture in Indonesia

Dr. Idha Widi Arsanti

Director of ICAE

Meet The Director

Dear colleagues,

you may think that every management is the same, and has similar governance routines. However, this perception is different from ours at the Ministry of Agriculture, specifically at the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Education (ICAE), the Agricultural Development Polytechnic (Polbangtan), the Indonesian Agricultural Engineering Polytechnic (PEPI), and the Agricultural Development Vocational High School (SMK-PP).

We adapt the concept of the vocational agriculture environment through space and time assessment, to provide a profound understanding of the ICAE's targets and projections in mean time. As in many other systems and organizations, those who are involved and work are not present as individuals only, but also as part of a big team.

Everyday management is not an easy task to do. There are many factors that affect the team works output from various side. The internal and external human factors that interfere with performance, can always be overcome by communication between individuals to reduce the various existing conflicts.

Based on that, all ICAE staff are trained very well to increase capacity as a professional team. Specifically, in anticipating various occupational risks or identifying disturbances by monitoring, detecting, and recognizing the management threat factors.

In its performance, experience while on duty does not always make staff members considered qualified on work. Periodically staff training and in line with the institutional tasks and functions is a must to maintaining maximum performance quality. That is the important goal of a career in ICAE.

Tipping hat for every struggle step of ICAE.

A Glance of ICAE

The establishment of the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Education (ICAE) based on the Republic of Indonesia Agricultural Minister Regulation Number 43/Permentan/OT.010/8/2015 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of the Ministry of Agriculture. Referring to the regulation, ICAE carries out duties for technical policies planning and the implementation of agricultural education.

In carrying out these duties, ICAE carries out various strategic functions. Among them ranging from technical policies planning, programs and collaborations planning, as well as implementation of agricultural education monitoring, evaluating, and reporting; carry out the implementation of the agricultural human resources (HR) assessment; develop norms, standards, procedures and criteria of the agricultural education; provide the agricultural education technical guidance and supervision; carry out the implementation of agricultural education; and implementing the development of institutional and institutional education in agriculture.

The ICAE consists of three main areas, namely the Educational Programs and Collaborations Division; the Educational Administration Division; and the Educational Institution and Human Resources Division.

The Educational Programs and Collaboration Division carries out duties for implementing the technical policies planning, programs and collaborations planning, as well as implementation of agricultural education monitoring, evaluating, and reporting. In carrying out its duties, the Educational Programs and Collaborations Division carries out the function of the agricultural education planning, programs and budgeting; the agricultural education monitoring, evaluation and reporting; the agricultural education planning and collaborations development; and learning tasks planning.

The Educational Administration Division carries out duties for policies planning and implementation, norms, standards, procedures and criteria of the agricultural education development, and provide the agricultural education technical guidance.

In carrying out its duties, The Educational Administration Division carries out function for preparation of the agricultural education policies arrangement and implementation; the agricultural education norms, standards, procedures and criteria development preparation; provide the agricultural education technical guidance and supervision; learning system and curriculum planning; also preparation of student coaching.

The Educational Institution and Human Resources Division carries out duties for policies planning and implementation, the agricultural human resources (HR) assessment, the agricultural education institution and human resource norms, standards, procedures and criteria development, also the agricultural education institution and human resource technical guidance and development.

In carrying out its duties based on article number 986, The Educational Institution and Human Resources Division carries out function of the agricultural education institution and human resource planning and implementation; the agricultural education institution and human resource technical guidance and supervision; the agricultural education institution strengthened; and the agricultural education human resource capacity building.

General and Specific Targets

General Target

Providing superior agricultural development polytechnics for future agricultural human resources to realize food sovereignty and farmers' welfare towards Indonesia as world's food bowl in 2045

Specific Targets

  1. Providing well educated, trained, and competent future Agrosociopreneur.
  2. Developing agricultural education institutions based on agricultural vocational education standard.
  3. Improving the collaboration networks with the business and industrial sectors also other stakeholders as well.

Policy Direction

  • Optimization of agricultural extension agents role in food self-sufficiency program assistance at the Agricultural Counseling Centers (BPP) and Agricultural Extension Work Areas (WKPP) level.
  • Enhancement of education and training center competitiveness and performance.
  • Transformation of STPP and UPT SMK-PP into Agricultural Development Polytechnic (Polbangtan) and agricultural professions certification.
  • Strengthened transparent and accountable administration and management systems.

Institutional Duty & Functions

Carry out the agricultural human resources education and development based on regulations in Indonesia.
  1. Arrangement of the technical policies, agricultural education extension plans and programs, education and coaching, human resource standardization and certification in accordance with the Indonesia's regulation.
  2. Implementation of agricultural education extension, education and training, agricultural resources standardization and certification in accordance with Indonesia's regulation.
  3. Agricultural education extension monitoring, evaluating, and implementation, education and training, agricultural human resource standardization and certification in accordance with the Indonesia's regulation; and
  4. Administrational implementation of the ICAE.

Pusdiktan mengkoordinasikan 8 Satuan Kerja (Satker) dan bekerja sama dengan 90 SMK-PP yang dibina bersama pemerintah daerah atau yayasan, yaitu:

  1. Agricultural Polytechnics: Medan, Sumatra Utara (1 Satker); Bogor – Jawa Barat (1 Satker); Yogyakarta – Magelang (2 Satker); Malang – Jawa Timur (1 Satker); Gowa – Sulawesi Selatan (1 Satker); dan Manokwari – Papua Barat (1 Satker)
  2. the Indonesian Agricultural Engineering Polytechnic (PEPI) – Serpong, Banten (1 Satker)
  3. SMK-PP Negeri Sembawa – Sumatra Selatan (1 Satker)
  4. SMK-PP Negeri Banjar Baru – Kalimantan Selatan (1 Satker)
  5. SMK-PP Negeri Kupang – Nusa Tenggara Timur (1 Satker)
  6. SMK-PP dan SMK Pertanian milik pemda serta yayasan

Programs and Action Plans

Agricultural Education Transformation

The institutional transformation of the Agricultural Vocational High School of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) into a professional, independent, and competitive polytechnic are based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges and availability of resources.

Agricultural Education Programs

The scope of agricultural education programs and collaborations strengthen are:

  • Educational collaboration improvement with stakeholders.
  • Partnership pattern to strengthen the facilities and infrastructures.
  • Cross sector or sub sector coordination and collaboration.
  • National and international universities collaboration.
Improvement of Agricultural Strategic Commodities Production

Students, alumni, youth farmers, and lecturers assistance for agricultural strategic commodities production improvement.

Youth Farmers (PWMP)

Agricultural colleges graduates are expected to become a young agricultural entrepreneur (agripreneur) which can be a mobilizers and able to provide job vacancies in agricultural sector through Penumbuhan Wirausaha Muda Pertanian (PWMP) program.

Effectiveness of Educational Implementation

The education administration effectiveness improvement consisting of:

  • The socialization of vocational high school students and polytechnic students acceptance.
  • The opening of the new study program in polytechnic.
  • Community, fostered villages or partners service, community empowerment, research collaboration.
  • The 'empat sukses pembangunan pertanian' program assistance through site work practice for students and final assignment scientific paper (KIPA) for polytechnic students.
  • Completion of the study assignment guidelines.
  • Completion of the curriculum, student learning outcomes evaluation, and polytechnic campus life guidelines.

Community service in the border region.

International Program

The vocational go international program is addressed for study programs of agricultural mechanization technology, agricultural product processing technology, and agricultural water management through university partner programs and dual degree programs, student, professional teachers and staff exchanges, domestic and foreign scholarships, internships or work practices, and international accreditation.

Educators Quality Enhancement

The quality enhancement of lecturers, teachers, and prospective educators through tertiary and postgraduate education which includes:

  • Completion of the assessment and appointment guidelines for lecturers or teachers.
  • Training, internships, and study visits for lecturers, teachers, and education staff.
  • Lecturer research and teacher accreditation assessment.
  • Master Degree and Doctoral Degree.
Agricultural Education Facilities and Infrastructure

Agricultural education facilities and infrastructure improvement.


Indonesian Center for Agricultural Education consists of 3 (three) divisions and 6 (six) subdivisions:
  • The Educational Programs and Collaboration Division consists of a) Program Subdivision and b) Collaboration Subdivision
  • The Educational Programs and Collaboration Division consists of Educational Programs and Evaluation Subdivision also Collaboration and Fellowship Subdivision. The Educational Programs and Evaluation Subdivision carry out duties for materials planning, programs, and budgeting preparation, as well as monitoring, evaluating, and reporting of the agricultural education. Whilst the Collaboration and Fellowship Subdivision carries out duties of the agricultural education collaboration materials preparation and development as well as fellowship matters.
  • The Educational Administration Division consists of a) Learning System and Curriculum Subdivision also b) Student Affairs Subdivision
  • The Educational Administration Division consists of Learning System and Curriculum Subdivision also Student Affairs Subdivision. In its duties, The Learning System and Curriculum Subdivision carry out the duties for material planning and policies implementation, norms, standards, procedures and criteria development preparation, provide technical guidance and supervision of the educational implementation, as well as learning system and curriculum planning. Whilst The Student Affairs Division carry out duties of policies materials planning and implementation, as well as students coaching.
  • The Educational Institution and Human Resources Division consist of a) Institutional Affairs Subdivision, and b) Educational Human Resources Subdivision
  • The Educational Institution and Human Resources Division consists of Institutional Affairs Subdivision, and Educational Human Resources Subdivision. The Institutional Affairs Subdivision carry out duties for material planning and policies implementation, norms, standards, procedures and criteria development preparation, provide technical guidance and supervision of the agricultural education institution. Whilst The Educational Human Resources Subdivision carry out duties for material planning and policies implementation, norms, standards, procedures and criteria, provide technical guidance and supervision of the educational human resources, as well as educational human resources capacity building improvement.
Organization Structure

Organization Structure of ICAE